Meds that Mess with Memory

Meds that Mess with Memory Memory and the ability to think and reason clearly (cognitive function) happens when there is communication between the nerves in the brain. The following medications can interfere with this brain cell communication. Finding natural alternatives to your health issues is my superpower. Let’s work together to preserve your brain…and not destroy it. LET’S WORK TOGETHER 5 Word Memory Test Have someone tell you 5 common words and have you repeat them 10 minutes later. If … Continued

Brain Bruisers

Our brain is our greatest resource. We think with it all the time but we don’t think about it as much as we should. Protecting our brains should be the most important thing we do for our health and wellness. Over the next few posts, we are going to cover the following topics on brain health. -Brain bruisers: Know what to avoid for healthy brain function -Brain brilliance: Learn how to create a sharper mind -Brain boosters: Supplements that help nurture and heal your … Continued