Meds that Mess with Memory

Meds that Mess with Memory Memory and the ability to think and reason clearly (cognitive function) happens when there is communication between the nerves in the brain. The following medications can interfere with this brain cell communication. Finding natural alternatives to your health issues is my superpower. Let’s work together to preserve your brain…and not destroy it. LET’S WORK TOGETHER 5 Word Memory Test Have someone tell you 5 common words and have you repeat them 10 minutes later. If … Continued

Brain Boosters: Calm The Chatter

Have a Brain that Behaves Like a hamster on a wheel, our thoughts can take over our sleep and our productivity. Sometimes we need support to calm a chattering brain. Calm the Chatter The Mail Delivery System Brain chemicals, called neurotransmitters are messengers for the brain and spinal cord which makes up our central nervous system (CNS). If our brain is a big city, the neurotransmitters are the mail carriers that carry messages to different parts of the brain and … Continued

Prevent Your Brain from Shrinking

Alzheimer’s Disease is a debilitating condition that occurs when the neurons in the brain become unable to respond to insulin, the hormone used to control blood sugar.  These neurons are important for basic functions like memory and learning. This condition has recently been called Type 3 diabetes. Know your Blood Levels  One blood level marker used to measure blood sugar is called hemoglobin A1C. It is extremely useful in identifying what the average blood sugar level has been over the … Continued

Screen Addiction and Our Mental State

“Ben, put your phone down!” or “Noah, you just bought a video game and now you want another one?!” are phrases commonly heard in our household. Every generation goes through this. Music, then television, and now screen time. The only difference between the TV screens we were addicted to and the screens our kids are addicted to, is that we couldn’t pick up our TVs and carry them around to watch 24/7. A Psychiatrist Reaches Out for Screen Awareness Have … Continued

The Brain Belly Connection Part 2

When we think of hops we typically tend to think of beer. Hops have a lesser-known superpower than just giving beer it’s distinctive taste, it can be used to heal the gut and the brain. A Funny Word with Healing Properties Xanthohumol is derived from hops and can help heal the intestinal lining. It has polyphenols that are strongly anti-inflammatory for the gut. In the brain, it acts as an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory. When inflammation is decreased in the brain … Continued

The Brain Belly Connection Part 1

This connection is so strong it is similar to the stories that you hear about identical twins where if one is hurt the other also feels the pain. In treating both brain inflammation and leaky gut, each benefits the other. In this post let’s talk about this match-made-in-heaven and in the next post let’s talk about how to support both. The Brain is a Delicate Flower There is a reason that the brain and spinal cord of the central nervous … Continued