What’s the Deal about Fasting for Health?

Fasting has gotten a lot of press in the holistic (and not-so-holistic) world lately.  Nutritional Fasting is going without food for an extended period of time. This doesn’t mean going without water. In fact, water is essential when you are fasting. Although the terms fasting, intermittent fasting, fasting mimicking diet, and calorie restriction are all different, for the purpose of this article we will not differentiate. Fasting is not an excuse to eat crappy. It is to enhance your health and … Continued

Do You Eat from Emotions or Hunger? 3 Powerful Tips.

Emotions or Hunger? Out of all of the things that I have learned while on the Fasting Mimicking Diet the most enlightening to me was how much I eat when I am not actually hungry. I found it fascinating how small the amount of food it actually took to make me satiated when I was rationing what I was able to eat each day. By satiated, I mean how much food it took to take away that gnawing feeling that feels like … Continued