Preserve Your Eyesight by Balancing Blood Sugar

Up to16% of people with type 2 diabetes experience visual impairment 1 in 3 adults are prediabetic!   Preserve your eyesight   Most of you get yearly bloodwork from your doctor that covers glucose, but that is not enough to evaluate how close you are to being diabetic. Knowing your blood sugar status allows you to make conscious decisions that can drastically affect your future. By knowing your numbers you can more effectively correct lifestyle behaviors that can reverse most imbalances … Continued

Are You Insulin Resistant?

You may have heard the term insulin resistance. You see the word insulin and figure that it must have something to do with blood sugar. You’d be right! Insulin Resistance is when glucose goes knockin’ at the door to your cells and wants to be let in so that you have energy and feel full. Problem is, insulin has the key and if that key isn’t working then glucose doesn’t get in. This results in you being tired, hungry and … Continued