Detox After Flu Shot

The flu shot has a list of ingredients that you wouldn’t put into your body willingly. Formaldehyde, aluminum salts, and mercury are just a few of the scary ingredients. If you are forced to get the flu shot or if you choose to get the flu shot (no judgment) there are some things that will help your body deal with the toxic ingredients that are injected.

Vitamin C, before and after

Vitamin C is necessary for a healthy immune system. We typically don’t get enough in our diet and sugar will compete for vitamin C receptor sites so supplement with 3000 mg of vitamin C per day. In higher dosages, It can cause loose stools so take to your tolerance. I recommend this one that also has bioflavonoids that helps decrease inflammation and improve immunity. 

Choose Thimerosal-Free

Thimerosal is mercury. Mercury is a neurotoxin which means it kills off nerve cells. Your brain is made of nerve cells and if you are anything like me you can’t afford to lose them. Mercury is used in stabilizing the virus in vaccinations. Make sure you choose a thimerosal-free flu shot. Thimerosal-free flu shots can usually be found at the county health department.

Avoid Aspirin, Tylenol® and Ibuprofen

Studies have shown that using aspirin, Tylenol® and ibuprofen can decrease the bodies ability to produce the immune cells, called antibodies, needed to protect you. Since the whole reason to get the flu vaccine is to stimulate the immune system you want to be sure they are active and plentiful. If you are achy after the flu shot you can take natural anti-inflammatory compounds. Turmeric, ginger, and omega 3 oils decrease inflammation in the body. Magnesium glycinate is a natural muscle relaxant and is depleted with stress and toxin exposure. 300-400 mg once or twice a day can help with the achiness. Watch for loose stools, it’s the only side effect that may occur in higher doses.


Take activated charcoal capsules to absorb toxins. Make sure to take it away from other medications and food.

Take a clay bath using bentonite clay. It draws out toxins.

30 minutes in a sauna will get you sweating out toxins. Be sure to hydrate.

Do our 10 or 28-day detox program. It can help your body recover from the toxins, even if you can’t avoid the thimerosal because our medical food has ingredients to help metabolize heavy metals like mercury. Take our detox quiz. If you score moderate to high, I recommend the 28-day detox. If you score low and have had a flu shot I recommend the 10-day detox.

Raise your glutathione

Glutathione is your body’s number one antioxidant. It is protective and can help remove toxins and metals found in the flu shot. Taking N-acetyl cysteine can boost glutathione. Selenium is a mineral that is also needed to support glutathione. Eating 3-5 selenium-rich brazil nuts daily can give you the amount you need.


Massage moves out toxins through the lymphatic system.


Come in for spinal adjustments to keep your immune system healthy and strong. The nerve supply needs to get to your kidneys and liver adequately in order for you to detox properly. We have payment plans for both massage and chiropractic that reduces the cost of visits and can be used with other established patients like friends and family.

Here’s to a healthy immune system!

Dr. Stacey

11 responses to “Detox After Flu Shot

  1. Hi,
    How can I send you the detox quiz and see what my results are and how long of a detox do I need?
    I work for a major hospital in Boston and they force us to get the flu shot. I find that illegal, but there is nothing we can do if we want to keep our job.

  2. If your detox questionnaire results are mild, do a 10 day detox. If the results are moderate or severe do a 30 day detox.
    You can schedule a phone consultation with my by scheduling a new patient appointment online through this website at Once you schedule it, send any of the forms you find at including the intake form to and mention that your appointment is a phone consultation.
    I’m sorry you are subjected to that. All the more reason to detox!!

  3. Hi, I am out of town and had to get my flu shot because of my job. I have an I infant at home and my wife wants me to wait to come home because of the shedding time. If I come home on schedule it will be 5 days after the shot so I am wondering does detoxing decrease the shedding time at all?

  4. My daughter is a nurse and has been required to take the flu shot today. She already has a headache and feels nauseous. What can I tell her to relieve her symptoms if she can’t take any pain relievers? I have told her to buy the things you mentioned above.

  5. I’m so sorry she is going through that. At the very least have her take epsom salt baths for at least a week with 1 cup of epsom salt and soak for 20 to 30 minutes. The supplements will help greatly. Hope she feels better soon.

  6. The duration of shedding is approximately 8 days. I cannot tell you that the supplements will lessen the shedding time, I haven’t seen the research on that yet. Safe travels.

  7. Hi!
    I did flu shot October 16 and since October 25 I have low grade fever 99.1-100.5 for over a month now and headache, tiredness, increased heart rate. General blood test came out normal, also they tested me for Lyme, STD, autoimmune disorders, TB, I haven’t received the results yet, next week also have an apt with GI and want to schedule an apt with internist. Can it be reaction after flu shot 9 days later? Could flu shot wake up some chronically issue?

  8. I’m so sorry you are going through this. Yes, I do believe that the flu shot can stimulate your immune system to the point of dysfunction. You may also have triggered a recurrence of an underlying virus. If you would like to schedule an online consultation, I’m happy to help you navigate this while you are gathering information.

  9. I was forced to get a flu shot at my job as well and I had guillan barre for over a month and now can barely use my arm where I got the shot. Something has happened to the muscles and every time I use them ( in the left are) I ave excruciating pain and a spasm like Charlie horse that last about 5-10 seconds.

  10. Also try cilantro, supposedly absorbs toxins too from blood steam. I’m going to start activated charcoal (and cilantro) this week. I don’t take flu shot but had to take the J&J Covid vaccine due to travel.

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