Notice of Temporary Closure

It’s Time for a Staycation

I just adore you all and I want to keep you all healthy. I would love to safely see you, but there is no way that I can adjust you or muscle test you and also respect the social distancing that is recommended to keep us from transmitting COVID-19, the Corona Virus. I do want to give you as much support as I can during this time so the following are some suggestions.

Pain: If you have muscle or joint pain.

  • Have your spouse or kid massage the muscles involved or the muscles around the area or roll on a foam roller or a tennis ball.
  • Ice the area for 20 minutes on, 40 minutes off, 3-5 times a day.
  • Maintain good posture. Sit in a hard kitchen or dining room chair. No cushy couches or reclining chairs.
  • Do not sit for more than 20 minutes at a time. Walk around or lay down.
  • No lifting, pushing or pulling.
  • Take magnesium 400 mg to 800 mg a day or to gut tolerance (loose stools)
  • Call our office and leave a message for me to call you back and we can discuss the specific action you should take.

Pain: Headaches

  • Same as above.
  • Hydrate. Drink 1/2 your body weight in ounces of filtered water a day.
  • Stick two tennis balls in a sock and tie them tight together. Lay on your back and place the balls under your head where your skull meets your neck. Rest that way for 10 minutes. Do as needed.
  • Call our office and leave a message for me to call you back and we can discuss the specific action you should take.

Pain: Stomach Pain

  • Call our office and leave a message for me to call you back and we can discuss the specific action you should take.

Fatigue, Hormonal Issues, Flu Symptoms, Weight Issues

  • Call our office and leave a message for me to call you back and we can discuss the specific action you should take.

I am available for Skype or phone appointments.

I highly suggest you practice social distancing yourself. I would rather all of us err on the side of caution and have no regrets, than the alternative. Wash your hands for a minimum of 20 seconds with regular soap and water. Take your supplements (vitamins A, C, D, zinc, selenium. colloidal silver nasal spray and mushroom complex) Drink water. Sleep 8 hours and practice deep breathing.

I hope to be back in the clinic Monday March 30 but this is a fluid situation. I will keep you all updated.

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Stay healthy,

Dr. Stacey


2 responses to “Notice of Temporary Closure

  1. It totally understandable to be closed. Can you please let me know when you reopen?

  2. I’ll definitely be posting here when we open again. If you need assistance, call our office and leave a message to speak to me. I will call you back and we can trouble shoot.

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