Brain Bok Choy: Powerful Foods that Feed Our Brain

Brain Bok Choy: Powerful Foods that Feed Our Brain The Brain is the MVP of our body. It controls every aspect of our lives, from our thoughts and feelings to our movements and senses. It is essential to take good care of our brain, and one way to do that is through our diet. Certain foods have been shown to improve brain health, and incorporating them into our diets can lead to better brain function, memory, and focus. In this … Continued

Why You Shouldn’t Fast for More Than 16 hours

Intermittent Fasting is all the rage. For good reason! Intermittent Fasting is when you eat your meals in a smaller window of time. Typically in 12 hours or less. Many use it to help maintain a healthy weight. Fasting can allow time for your digestive system to do it’s job and when it is done digesting your food it can clean up bacteria, viruses, inflammation and rogue cells. Sounds pretty awesome, right?! It can be, but it has a downside. … Continued

Smoky Tempeh and Cauliflower Stir Fry

What in the Blazes is Tempeh? Have you ever had tempeh? Have you ever heard of it? Last weekend I was with some of my favorite people in the world and one of them brought a dish made with tempeh. It was delicious and although I have had tempeh before, it had been a long time. She reminded me how versatile it is and when I got home, I tinkered with the recipe and wanted to share the end result with you. … Continued

My “BAD” cholesterol levels are high…What should I eat?

No “bad” cholesterol First off let’s clarify that there is no “bad” cholesterol. LDL cholesterol gets a bad rap when it becomes sticky from oxidation (diet, environment) and causes plaque to build up in the arteries. LDL cholesterol transports our sex hormones (estrogen and testosterone) and our stress hormones so it is important to have healthy LDL levels in order to have a healthy sex drive and escape from danger. But some people have LDL levels that are elevated. This … Continued

Should You Go Low Fat or Low Carb? How to know.

“I can’t seem to lose weight. I don’t know what diet to go on. Should I go low fat or low carb?” she asked. When a patient presents this question I know that there is an interesting and soul searching journey ahead of us. We are bombarded by foods that look good and taste good. Some are healthy and some are not. There is so much to balancing weight that when I embark on this journey with a patient we … Continued

How I Didn’t Starve While Fasting

I could no longer ignore the benefits of fasting. I tried, really I did. When the studies came out about longevity associated with eating less, I promptly buried my head in the sand. It wasn’t until they kept coming, and kept coming, that I lifted an ear and then two. I love food. I love gourmet meals, street food, and everything in between. I think about food…constantly. So when I saw the studies and heard the doctors researching the health … Continued

Do You Eat from Emotions or Hunger? 3 Powerful Tips.

Emotions or Hunger? Out of all of the things that I have learned while on the Fasting Mimicking Diet the most enlightening to me was how much I eat when I am not actually hungry. I found it fascinating how small the amount of food it actually took to make me satiated when I was rationing what I was able to eat each day. By satiated, I mean how much food it took to take away that gnawing feeling that feels like … Continued