Brain Bok Choy: Powerful Foods that Feed Our Brain

Brain Bok Choy: Powerful Foods that Feed Our Brain The Brain is the MVP of our body. It controls every aspect of our lives, from our thoughts and feelings to our movements and senses. It is essential to take good care of our brain, and one way to do that is through our diet. Certain foods have been shown to improve brain health, and incorporating them into our diets can lead to better brain function, memory, and focus. In this … Continued

You Want Me To Do What?!

Ok, do you see that title? Now I want you to hear it in an incredulous voice from your traditional, old school, doctor. “YOU WANT ME TO DO WHAT?!!!” That is what my patients hear when they go to their very conservative doctor and ask them to run the list of lab tests I want to review. Sigh. Let me tell you a story that you might be able to relate to. My mom thought doctors were gods. Yep. I … Continued