Important Tips on Taking B Vitamins

B vitamins are great for many things but be careful when you take them. Each B vitamin has its own benefits but today we are talking about the complex of B vitamins. Whenever you take an individual B vitamin be sure to take a complex as well to keep them balanced. My two favorite B-complexes are Methylcare by Metagenics and Basic B-Complex by Thorne Research. You can find them both through our website. Remember to come in to be muscle … Continued

Gut Issues: The 5R Protocol

“Hey Doc,” he says “I can’t believe how much better I’m feeling. I haven’t had any gas, bloating or stomach pain since I followed your directions. It’s awesome!” Balancing the gut I hear this all the time and let me tell you how blessed I feel to be a witness to health conditions and symptoms being resolved without medication. Let’s talk gut issues…again. The reason I talk about them so frequently is because almost everyone who walks into my clinic has … Continued