10 Years of Symptoms Improved in 4 Visits

Desperate Times Desperate Measures I’ve had the privilege of helping many amazing women and men overcome their health issues over the years. Overwhelming exhaustion and brain fog, debilitating stomach aches, gas and bloating, back pain, neck pain, headaches and more. Trained as a functional medicine doctor and skilled chiropractic kinesiologist, I help patients reclaim their health. The people who come to me have often tried different therapies with little or no success. They either feel they aren’t being heard, know … Continued

That Adjustment Where You Pull on my Head

From neck pain to shoulder pain to low back pain, when I was an associate with the dearly loved Dr. Rob Radtke, I noticed that there was one adjustment that patients favored over all others. It was called the hidden cervical disc technique. Weak Fibers Dr. Radtke worked closely with the founder of Applied Kinesiology, Dr. George Goodheart. Dr. Goodheart taught that many muscular-skeletal and nervous system issues could be caused by a weakness in the fibers that make up … Continued