Energy Zaps, Freak Outs and Befuddled Brains

Are you dealing with Energy Zaps that leaves you so tired your head hits the desk at 3pm? Do you have moments where your anxiety gets the best of you and inside you are having a freak out? Are you having trouble concentrating and focusing because of your befuddled brain? Watch the video below that I recorded for the Kiwanis Club of Troy Youth Mental Health and Wellness Fair. Then create your own customized menu for better energy, clarity and … Continued

Screen Addiction and Our Mental State

“Ben, put your phone down!” or “Noah, you just bought a video game and now you want another one?!” are phrases commonly heard in our household. Every generation goes through this. Music, then television, and now screen time. The only difference between the TV screens we were addicted to and the screens our kids are addicted to, is that we couldn’t pick up our TVs and carry them around to watch 24/7. A Psychiatrist Reaches Out for Screen Awareness Have … Continued