Quick Fix Supplement Guide

Gut-Havoc Rescue • Glutagenics (Soothes heartburn and indigestion so quickly it will amaze you) • Pan9X digestive enzymes (For bloating and gas that occurs after a meal. Take with a meal) • Metagest (Extra stomach acid to help break down your proteins. Take with a meal. Avoid if you have an ulcer or Barretts esophagus) • Takesumi Charcoal (Sucks up stuff. Great if you have food poisoning, too much alcohol or just over-indulged) • UltraFlora Acute Care/ Intensive Care (To … Continued

The 3 Weightloss and Energy Game Changers

On your patient journey, there are three game changers that make the most difference in weight loss and regaining energy. We patch holes This means that if the lab markers indicate you are low in iron, we make sure you are getting enough iron, B12 or whatever deficiency we find. We do this with food and sometimes with nutritional supplements. Iron and B vitamins are needed to make thyroid hormones that, in turn, will make sure you have a healthy … Continued

Get Your Immune Wellness Pack Today

GET YOUR IMMUNE WELLNESS PACK TODAY INCLUDED IN YOUR SUPPLEMENT PACKAGE: *500-C Methoxyflavone *Immune Active *Ultima Replenish Drink Sticks *Immune Boosting Recipe Card *Epsom Bath Salts Boost your immune system this cold/flu/Covid season with our supplement packs. For a limited time, Specific Wellness is offering a Wellness Pack at a great price… $75.00 (Value of $125.00) ORDER YOURS NOW WHY WE NEED IT THE DETAILS 500-C Methoxyflavone: Dr Stacey’s favorite form of Vitamin C Citrus bioflavonoid complex which protects against infections, … Continued